The Tacoma Farmers Market is proud to accept and match EBT/SNAP/Sun Bucks benefits at all of our farmers market locations. Simply take your EBT/SNAP/Sun Bucks card to the market information booth. Our market staff will swipe your card and provide you with wooden tokens to use just like using your card at the store. Signage around the market tells you where you can redeem your tokens. See below for more information on our SNAP Market Match EBT Matching program. Electronic Food Benefits Application
EBT/SUN Bucks is a new program to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. Families will get $120 for each eligible child to buy groceries during the summer. Children who get Summer EBT/SUN Bucks can still participate in other summer meal programs. Receiving Summer EBT/SUN Bucks will not affect children or families’ immigration status.
PS. Tokens never expire!
Individuals can use EBT/SNAP tokens to buy:
- Breads, cereals, and bakery items
- Salsa, kombucha, pickles, honey
- Fruits and vegetables
- Meats, fish, and poultry
- Dairy products
- Seeds and plants that produce food for the household to eat
Note: Hot food vendors, crafters, and flower vendors at the farmers market are not allowed to take EBT/SNAP tokens.
SNAP Market Match

The SNAP Market Match EBT Matching Program offers a 1:1 match, Limited to $25 per market for EBT/SNAP shoppers. If you are an EBT/SNAP shopper, visit our market information booth, swipe your card, tell us how much you’d like in market tokens, and we’ll match those tokens with a one for one match to double your investment to use on fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and plant starts. Go, Swipe, Double up, Shop—it’s that easy.
Individuals can use SNAP Market Match to buy:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Mushrooms
- Herbs
- Plants starts that produce food for the household to eat
Sustainability Match
The City of Tacoma Sustainability Dept. is supporting Food Access for our Community by offering a 1:1 match up to $10 per market visit with a $25 SNAP Match thereby providing a total match of $35 for more fruits and vegetables.
Individuals can use Sustainability Match to buy:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Mushrooms
- Herbs
- Plants starts that produce food for the household to eat
Through our Apple-a-Day program, each child 3-16 years old receives a $1 Apple-a-Day market token to buy a fruit or veggie of their choice. Parents, grandparents, or guardians can accompany the child to our market information booth to receive their token. We’re proud that the Apple-a-Day programs contributes to creating lifelong, healthy eaters. This program is generously funded by our partners at TAPCO Credit Union.

WIC & Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

Women’s Infant and Children and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs let you purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets. Look for this sign to find the farms at our markets who can accept your benefits. Our farmers are happy to help you find the produce you need. Just open the QR code in your WIC/SFMNP app. and the farmer will scan it to access your benefits. Don’t hesitate to ask for our help. Our farmers are friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to lend a hand. Check your eligibility for WIC, or check your eligibility for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program.
2024 applications for Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers open May 1st! Apply here: SFMNP