Broadway Farmers Market
Thursdays, April 3 – September 25, 2025 (no market April 24 or June 19)
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
925 Broadway
Tacoma, WA 98402
Between 9th & 11th
The Broadway Farmers Market is celebrating its 35th year in 2025! This vibrant Downtown Tacoma marketplace brings together the highest quality local Washington growers, specialty food producers, hot food vendors, and artisans. We offer weekly music. There is something for everyone on Broadway. Come for lunch – Shop for dinner!
Currency Accepted:
Credit, Debit, EBT/SNAP, WIC, Senior Nutrition Vouchers, SNAP Market Match, and Apple a Day tokens. Wooden tokens do not expire, SNAP Market Match expires at the end of each season.
Click here for the Broadway Vendor Map!
Getting There
Pierce Transit: Served by 18 Pierce Transit routes in downtown Tacoma. For help planning your trip, call 253.581.8000, or try Pierce Transit’s easy-to-use online Trip Planner!
Tacoma Link: Park your car at the Tacoma Dome Park and Ride – located at 25th Street and D Street and take the latest in transportation – the Tacoma Link!
Public Parking: There are two parking garages in the near vicinity of the Broadway market. the Rhodes Center garage entrance is located on 11th and Market streets. The Pierce Transit garage entrance is located on Commerce between 11th and 9th streets.